Welcome to Darkheart's Playground

Join OpenSim's most inclusive grid.

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Darkheart's VIP Program

The Darkhearts VIP Programme provides additional benefits to our Land & Region owners, including access to VIP Events & facilities and participation in the Darkhearts Grid Council

Great Events

Events are the lifeblood of any grid. They bring everyone together in a way that few other things can achieve. We have a fantastic team of Event Mgrs, Venue Owners and DJs to help keep everyone entertained. We don't want the party to ever stop!

Exclusive Shops

The stores on our Boutiques region feature a variety of exclusive collections and content.


About Darkheart's Playground

At Darkheart's Playground, we stand out as the premier choice for Opensim enthusiasts seeking a vibrant, inclusive, and cutting-edge virtual world experience.

Our commitment to quality extends beyond just server performance; we take pride in offering top-notch region rental services that set the stage for immersive and seamless interactions.

What truly makes us unique is our unwavering dedication to community building. Darkheart's Playground is more than just a virtual grid – it's a thriving social hub where users from across the hypergrid converge to create, connect, and celebrate together. We invite you to make Darkheart's Playground your Opensim home, where quality and community thrive.

Latest News


Pride at Darkhearts

When diversity and inclusivity are at the core of our values, their celebration become a mandate. And so do we celebrate Pride at Darkheart’s Playground.Pride is not, as many would say, an


Darkhearts is Moving Server

All our latest updates have been around our growth, and here is another gone: a big (the biggest one).We are migrating Darkheart’s Playground’s infrastructure!This is both exciting, and scary!


New ways to support Darkhearts

Some of you have asked in more way to contribute on top of renting a region at Darkhearts, as well as way in which you can donate anonymously.As you all know Darkheart’s is the vision of CEO and

Plans and Pricing

Let your imagination run wild with these amazing deals. Own your own home and be the designer of your own dreams. Create the world you always wanted to have. Dont forget to have fun. Welcome Home to Darkheart's Playground!


  • Region Size: 256×256 (1×1)
  • Total Prims: 30,000
  • Full Estate Administration Access *
  • Oar’s loaded upon request
  • Custom Setup and options available for store owners


  • Region Size: 512×512 (2×2)
  • Total Prims: 60,000
  • Full Estate Administration Access *
  • Oar’s loaded upon request
  • Custom Setup and options available for store owners


  • Region Size: 1024×1024 (4×4)
  • Total Prims: 120,000
  • Full Estate Administration Access *
  • Oar’s loaded upon request
  • Custom Setup and options available for store owners

Super Mega

  • Region Size: 1024x1024 (4×4) x 2
  • Total Prims: 120,000
  • Full Estate Administration Access *
  • Oar’s loaded upon request
  • Custom Setup and options available for store owners

* Region God Mode for owners and estate managers is included with all region rentals